Design-Build Communication Advantages

The success of commercial construction projects depends on teamwork and the ability of all the parties involved to cooperate and communicate. This doesn’t always happen.

In traditional commercial construction projects, a developer starts by hiring an engineer or architect to design a facility, and then puts it out to bid to find a contractor to build it. This model often leads to confrontational projects. If something goes wrong, the designer and contractor can end up trying to blame each other. If the plans are missing details or information, the contractor can request additional funds and/or time in order provide the additional work. Often the contractor is forced to play this game in order to have a competitive edge against other bidding contractors.

What is Design-Build Construction?

There is another way. Commercial developers can enlist the help of a design-build construction team — meaning a construction firm works with a designer from the start of the project. As Design-Build Institute of America notes, the design-build model can allow for a more streamlined, efficient construction process:

The owner manages only one contract with a single point of responsibility. The designer and contractor work together from the beginning, as a team, providing unified project recommendations to fit the owner’s schedule and budget. Any changes are addressed by the entire team, leading to collaborative problem-solving and innovation, not excuses or blame-shifting. While single-source contracting is the fundamental difference between design-build and the old ways, equally important is the culture of collaboration inherent in design-build.

Improved Teamwork and Communication

At Leon Williams Contractors, we’ve found that a design-build construction approach offers significant advantages to our clients in East Tennessee. It allows for a higher level of cooperation and coordination between the contractor and the designer.

A design-build construction team can make better, more informed decisions, improve the efficiency of work that needs to be done — and minimize the paperwork, delays, and cost of fixing problems that can result from coordination problems between two companies.

We have decades of design-build construction experience in East Tennessee. If you want to learn more about the advantages of partnering with a design-build construction team, contact Leon Williams Contractors today.

Don’t Trust Unlicensed Contractors

When it comes to your new commercial project, who should you trust to do the job right?

If your business is looking to start a new construction project or to renovate an existing commercial building, you’ll naturally be looking to get the most out of your money. When weighing costs and budget, it can be tempting to just go with the lowest bidder.

If you make that choice without properly checking their qualifications, though, you’re courting danger. That cut-rate contractor might be unlicensed, and if you end up hiring them, you’re putting both the project and your business at risk.

Why is hiring a licensed contractor important?

So, what’s the big deal about hiring an unlicensed contractor? You’ll save some money, right?

Wrong. Hiring an unlicensed contractor for a commercial project is the same as writing a blank check. If something goes wrong, your business will be on the hook for damages and loss. If the workmanship is shoddy, you’ll have no recourse.

In the event of mishaps during construction, you want to be sure your contractor is licensed and insured, so that you are not held liable for accidents. For instance, if a contractor’s worker was injured on the job site, you would want to know that the contractor has insurance to cover the worker’s injuries. In the case of a major accident, this could become extremely costly financially.

When it comes to paperwork and record-keeping, hiring a licensed contractor will provide you with peace of mind that they are conducting business according to best practices and have passed all the requirements of the governing body overseeing commercial contractor licensing.

Experience and training

A licensed commercial contractor employs trained workers who have experience and skills that keep a jobsite safe and make sure the work is done under the supervision of highly qualified construction managers to avoid accidents and shoddy workmanship. The best licensed contractors also work hard to stay up-to-date with the best and most efficient construction techniques.

The bottom line is, if you are unhappy with the work of an unlicensed commercial contractor or they provided subpar work and skipped town, you’re just out of luck. Don’t be fooled, hire a licensed commercial contractor like Leon Williams Contractors, and always check references before working with any contractor. Ready to learn more? Contact Leon Williams today.

A Look Back – Leon Williams Contractors Celebrates a Year of Milestones in 2018

Leon Williams Contractors celebrates a year of milestones in 2018

It’s been a busy year for Leon Williams Contractors, and we’re proud to look back at our biggest projects of 2018.

Foothills Church

In March, we completed construction of the new 33,000 square foot Foothills Church (FC) building in Maryville. By attendance, FC is the largest church in Blount County. The new space serves as an auditorium and creative space for the congregation’s Sunday services.

Constructing a church with such a large capacity and with advanced technology provided several challenges. LWC had to work with Foothill’s Church’s audio/video consultant to ensure that the piping and conduit placement for the state-of-art audiovisual system was considered during every step of the building process. As with any addition, the flow of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic connecting the new spaces to the existing was a big concern to insure the two buildings are used efficiently.

LWC has been a construction partner with Foothills Church since 2011 when the church purchased a building formerly known as Thunderworld, helping FC transform the facility into a place of worship.

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

In August, we completed two projects at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, including three new dining options at the school’s West Campus Housing building and a complete renovation of Crossroads Dining Hall.

In August, we completed the renovation of the 13,000-square-foot UTC Crossroads Dining Hall. That project included replacing all the furniture, food stations and fixtures in the facility and adding a Mongolian grill concept and sushi machine.

We also built out facilities for three new dining options – Einstein Bros.® Bagels, Dippers southern fried and grilled chicken, and a Provisions on Demand (P.O.D.) quick-serve store – inside UTC’s new West Campus Housing building.

The West Campus Housing project and the Crossroads Dining Hall renovation were the 13th and 14th projects we’ve completed at UTC.

Allevia Technology

In September, we began renovating a former bank branch building in a commercial district near downtown Maryville for Allevia Technology, a local computer repair and business IT company. When it’s completed, the 2,700-square-foot modern, open-design office space will provide a fluid work environment for Allevia’s 10-person staff.

While we’re proud of our accomplished in 2018, we’re looking ahead to an exciting 2019. Contact Leon Williamsto learn how we build or renovate facilities for your church, business, or educational institution.

Five initial steps in new construction or remodeling projects

Leon Williams Contractors will be there every step of the way

Congratulations, you’ve made the decision to remodel your facility or build a new home for your business. What’s next?

In previous blog posts, we touched upon reasons why a Knoxville or East Tennessee business should remodel, expand, or construct a new base of operations. Now that you made your decision, it’s time to start planning.

Here are five of the most important stages of the planning phase before remodeling or new construction can begin:

  1. Scope/financing:We work with you to develop a clear and concise scope of work document so you can apply for financing. You need to have solid financing in place before work begins. This is for your protection.
  2. Guidance:We will work with you and our external design team to finalize any renderings and specific building design specifications. We can make tweaks or adjustments if site constraints or issues influence design.
  3. Preconstruction consultation:  Our experts and those who design our work will meet with you early in the process for preconstruction analysis. We can locate and evaluate properties and negotiate with owners. We’ll identify any potential issues with the property that may affect the project’s budget and timeline.
  4. Value engineering:We want to maximize our clients’ budgets, not just cut costs. We will look at every part of the project to see whether they make economic sense, ranging from site preparation to roof materials and utility needs.
  5. Construction:Once the construction phase begins, we will continue our value engineering and review progress and provide updates regularly on your project. We can also account for weather delays and stay on top of the budget and materials.

You still have a ways to go before you and your employees can get settled into your new business space, but the project will be done before you know it.

Contact Leon Williamsfor more information on renovating existing businesses or building a new one from scratch.

Five things to consider for a church expansion or new construction

Leon Williams Contractors can help you answer your calling


Leon Williams Contractors has been building state-of-the-art houses of worship for more than two decades.

Knoxville church construction and expansionis one of our specialties, and we can help church leaders navigate the many aspects of building a new church. One question we can help answer: Should a church renovate or build a brand new worship facility?

There are many considerations and variables to church construction. What’s the size of your congregation? Do you want to add a large fellowship hall or merely expand your sanctuary or auditorium? Here are some basic considerations to get you started.

  1. Space constraints.What are the limitations of your current space? Sometimes there is wasted or underutilized space that could be utilized for your expansion purposes.
  2. What’s your congregation’s calling?If you have ambitious plans to expand your ministry, such as offering daycare or other children’s services, then a new building might be the best option.
  3. How old is your current worship space?If your HVAC system is undersized or outdated, that could also be a sign it’s time to move the flock, because HVAC upgrades can be disruptive and expensive. If your church was built prior to the 1970s, then you may also encounter asbestos or other toxic materials that need to be encapsulated or removed. That’s another substantial cost.
  4. Affordability.Take a hard look at your church finances. Can the church afford a new building, or will a few cosmetic and internal design changes meet your needs for now? You don’t want to saddle your congregation with a large construction loan payoff or mortgage if you aren’t absolutely certain it’s within budget.
  5. Desired design.Your preferred design and layout could influence how much space you need. If it can be accommodated within your existing building, or with a reasonable expansion, that might be the best route to follow.

We can make any number of recommendations, but ultimately, it’s up to church leaders and members to make the tough choice of whether to rebuild, remodel or expand a church. Be prayerful and thoughtful and you’ll make the right choice.

Contact Leon Williams Contractorsfor more information on how to answer your calling.

Should you renovate your Knoxville business or construct a new building?

Seven ways new construction can benefit your business

In an earlier blog we examined some of the benefits and challenges of renovatinga new office building or retail location in the Knoxville area.

While there are advantages to renovating an existing structure to accommodate company growth, there are a lot of variables to take into consideration. These include disruption to your business, challenges bringing old buildings up to current code, and the future economic vitality of your current neighborhood or part of town. Our design-build construction servicesand preconstruction planning will help guide you through these challenges from the get-go if you decide to go this route.

There are clear advantages to new construction, however, and we can put our design-build construction expertise to work for you on this front, too.

Benefits of starting from scratch and building a new office, clinic, restaurant or retail space include:

  1. Relocation:An opportunity to move your business to a more robust part of town.
  2. Utility savings:Increased energy efficiency and utility savings can be realized with modern building materials and new windows.
  3. Functionality:If you aren’t happy with your current facility’s layout, flow or design, starting fresh offers you the chance to create a space that’s right for your business.
  4. Tech integration:Modern wiring and integrated technological systems such as security and digital cabling or conduits are easier to install in new construction.
  5. Better parking:Revamping your parking lot to better accommodate employees and customers.
  6. New infrastructure:Less maintenance and extended warranties on new building features such as HVAC systems.
  7. Less risk:Fewer concerns about the discovery or release of hazardous materials such as asbestos that may be present and disturbed by renovation of an existing structure.

Ultimately, you make the decisions and call the shots. Our construction professionals and design partners can help you with a cost-benefit analysis to help determine whether renovation or new construction is right for you. Once you decide, our design-build construction experts will be with you every step of the way to help grow and expand your business from the top down or bottom up.

Contact Leon Williamstoday to get started on this exciting new phase of your East Tennessee business.

5 ways Leon Williams Contractors can make your medical clinic patient-centered

Our design-build process leads to health facilities that soothe and cure

Even in relatively benign settings, health care consumers can be frightened and homesick. Leon Williams Contractors can make sure your clinic renovation or constructionis patient-centered and puts them at ease. Design, colors and flow plans are all important aspects of healthcare facility design.

Here are some things to keep in mind as we lead your design-build process for Knoxville-area medical facilities.

  1. Facetime is key.All health care facilities should be designed in such a way that doctors, patients, advocates and family members can interact in a comfortable setting. This can ease anxiety and empower patients to participate in their health care outcomes.
  2. Streamline spaces.We can help ensure your medical facility — ranging from eye clinics to dental clinics and primary-care offices — has ample storage to reduce clutter. Square footage is at a premium, so it’s important to accommodate space for medical devices and equipment. Streamlining your space puts patients even more at ease. Medical equipment should have a home to avoid being a distraction or cluttering up free space.
  3. Make it personal.Generic, clinical and antiseptic medical spaces can increase stress. Allow patients and family members to personalize their space with ample room for books, clothes, personal effects and ports for tablets and smartphones. Consider speakers so patients can stream their favorite music while waiting for or undergoing a procedure.
  4. Bring family together.Make sure waiting rooms have ample space for families, and consider offering a portioned space for private discussion. Make a space for water coffee and snacks.
  5. Colors count.Choose hues with care. You don’t want a patient facing a stark or overly bright wall. Facilities that cater to children should offer more varied and brighter colors. Various shades of blue can be calming. Artwork can also add great accents, but choose accordingly for the context.

If you are a healthcare provider, your primary concern should be providing your patients the highest level of care. Our health facility design-build process can help guide you to the perfect ambiance and environment for doing so. Contact usfor more information.

Business owners: Should you remodel or rebuild?

Six considerations when determining the best course of action for your growing business

So your office or retail space is getting a little old, or maybe you’ve added more employees and need more space. At any rate, a need to expand your office or shop is generally a good thing. But deciding whether to renovate or build a new space from scratch can be a tough call.

Leon Williams Contractors can do the job regardless of your decision and can even help you decide whether to remodel or erect a brand new structure. In this and upcoming blog posts, we’ll share our East Tennessee design-build expertisein weighing the pros and cons of each option.

Here are six considerations if you are leaning toward a renovation of your office or retail space:

  1. It can be cheaper in the short-term to remodel or expand an existing structure. What you are sacrificing, however, is the ultimate longevity of your building. A new building will last much longer.
  2. Some bad surprises can accompany a remodeling project. If you find asbestos or other hazardous materials during remodeling, it could drastically increase the cost.
  3. Renovations can generally be accomplished in less time than building a completely new structure.
  4. Does your existing building hold historical or architectural significance that can be retained with renovation or remodeling? If it does, it may be worth more than you know, and you could be abandoning an asset if you decide to construct a new building.
  5. Economic factors.What is the economic pulse of your current location? Is it on the upswing or stagnating? If you are in a booming part of town, it might benefit you to stay put and remodel your existing building. The contrary may be the case if your neighborhood is in decline.
  6. What is the scope of your plan? Can remodeling or renovations be done without drastic disruptions to your office functions?

Deciding between a renovation and a new building is a good problem to have. It means your business is growing. There are many variables to consider. Our design-build experts can help you decide the right course, and we’ll be with you every step of the way regardless of your decision. Contact us today about our Knoxville-area renovation services.