What is Value Engineering and How Can It Benefit Your Project

If you have been around commercial construction for an extended period, you may come across the term “value engineering.” If you are an entrepreneur looking to have your office, restaurant or other commercial facility built, you may have even seen it in your contractor research. But what does that term mean?

The textbook definition provided by Investopedia states, “Value engineering is a systematic, organized approach to providing necessary functions in a project at the lowest cost. Value engineering promotes the substitution of materials and methods with less expensive alternatives, without sacrificing functionality.” While all of this is true, value engineering is much more.

As the Maryville commercial construction expert, our experts at Leon Williams Contractors specialize in value engineering to ensure our customers get the most bang for their buck. Our value engineering process emphasizes providing the client with advice and information so they can make informed construction and budgetary decisions. We want our clients to make decisions that align directly with their project and budget goals.

When clients approach us, our experts provide an honest evaluation of the value, quality and life expectancy of every building alternative or solution we recommend. As Investopedia’s definition states, we focus on providing alternatives that don’t sacrifice functionality. But with that said, we will also focus on providing alternatives that may improve the look and functionality but are cheaper for the project owner.

Here are a few ways we utilize value engineering to better serve our clients’ needs:

  • Provide economical quality by altering the project finishes and fixtures based on client requirements.
  • Add features that can eliminate pain points within the project.
  • Compare a diverse set of affordable structure types and materials to assist with the construction of the project.
  • Remove unnecessary features that could be detrimental to the usability or functionality of the project or that add unneeded costs with little to no benefit.

If you are ready to partner with a value engineering contractor for your 2024 projects, give our experts a call at (865) 982-1734 or contact us online.