3 Ways COVID Changed Franchise Build-Outs

The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by storm and continues to be a topic of conversation. While business operations have begun returning to normal in East Tennessee, the effects of the pandemic will be felt for years to come. Business owners learned some valuable lessons about how the consumer is going to make decisions moving forward as a direct result of the pandemic.

From wanting curbside assistance to the need for smaller buildings, the way buildings are designed has changed. Don’t worry! The Maryville commercial construction experts at Leon Williams are here to let you know what those changes will be.

Here are three ways COVID changed the franchise build-outs:

Curbside Assistance

Before the pandemic struck, it was customary to go inside a restaurant to eat with the family or frequent the local grocery store to pick up your items. While this is still considered normal, there has been an increase in those who prefer curbside assistance as opposed to going inside. Franchises have to account for this moving forward. As design-build experts, we’ll work closely with your design or corporate team to ensure this is accounted for while also keeping the project running smoothly from start to finish.

Outdoor Seating

For franchise restaurants specifically, outdoor seating is another big trend. Those who do choose to dine out may opt to choose a restaurant that offers outdoor seating. Existing franchise restaurants must accommodate these changes. Those planning on building a restaurant from the ground up will have to consider outdoor seating in their design plan as well.

Smaller Buildings

With evolution pointing toward curbside assistance, outdoor seating and online services, smaller buildings are also becoming a trend. With fewer people wanting to fill up a store, there isn’t much need for large operating buildings. While downsizing may not be in the cards for existing businesses, new franchises may consider operating out of a smaller building.

As design-build experts, we offer an approach that allows for increased cooperation and coordination as projects proceed. We will guarantee that your design accommodates all the changes caused by COVID. If you are ready to start your project, give our construction professionals a call at (865) 982-1734.