Should you renovate your Knoxville business or construct a new building?

Seven ways new construction can benefit your business

In an earlier blog we examined some of the benefits and challenges of renovatinga new office building or retail location in the Knoxville area.

While there are advantages to renovating an existing structure to accommodate company growth, there are a lot of variables to take into consideration. These include disruption to your business, challenges bringing old buildings up to current code, and the future economic vitality of your current neighborhood or part of town. Our design-build construction servicesand preconstruction planning will help guide you through these challenges from the get-go if you decide to go this route.

There are clear advantages to new construction, however, and we can put our design-build construction expertise to work for you on this front, too.

Benefits of starting from scratch and building a new office, clinic, restaurant or retail space include:

  1. Relocation:An opportunity to move your business to a more robust part of town.
  2. Utility savings:Increased energy efficiency and utility savings can be realized with modern building materials and new windows.
  3. Functionality:If you aren’t happy with your current facility’s layout, flow or design, starting fresh offers you the chance to create a space that’s right for your business.
  4. Tech integration:Modern wiring and integrated technological systems such as security and digital cabling or conduits are easier to install in new construction.
  5. Better parking:Revamping your parking lot to better accommodate employees and customers.
  6. New infrastructure:Less maintenance and extended warranties on new building features such as HVAC systems.
  7. Less risk:Fewer concerns about the discovery or release of hazardous materials such as asbestos that may be present and disturbed by renovation of an existing structure.

Ultimately, you make the decisions and call the shots. Our construction professionals and design partners can help you with a cost-benefit analysis to help determine whether renovation or new construction is right for you. Once you decide, our design-build construction experts will be with you every step of the way to help grow and expand your business from the top down or bottom up.

Contact Leon Williamstoday to get started on this exciting new phase of your East Tennessee business.